Information: (859) 234-2345
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Information: (859) 234-2345
March 16 @11 a.m.: Eucharist (communion) and sermon with The Rev. Anne Fore, a priest. She is on the staff at Christ Church Cathedral. It is the Second Sunday in Lent.
March 16 @ 3 p.m.: Advent Pride (actual time TBA, but in the afternoon).
March 23 @ 11 a.m.: Morning Prayer with video sermon followed by our engaging group discussion. It is the Third Sunday in Lent. Coffee Hour at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m. at the Rohs Opera House, in honor of Women’s History Month, we will host a free showing of The Philadelphia 11, a film chronicling the first women to be ordained priests in The Episcopal Church.
Every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.: Bible study at the church.
During Lent (March 5 through April 17) the church will be open on Tuesdays for public prayer from 2-5 p.m.
March Food Pantry item: Canned or boxed potatoes.
Easter: April 20 with Eucharist with The Rev. Anne Fore.
Click HERE for the sign up sheet for Sunday service helpers and clergy schedule.
Our Service Schedule (generally):
1st Sunday of a month: Lay-led Morning Prayer.
2nd Sunday of a Month: Lay-led Morning Prayer with Deacon Emily — and Vestry meeting.
3rd Sunday of a Month: Eucharist (communion) and homily (sermon) with a priest.
4th Sunday of a Month: Lay-led Morning Prayer with Deacon Emily — also, movie review and lunch.
5th Sunday of a Month: Community outreach of some type, TBA.
Advent Pride meetings are the 3rd Sunday (usually) of every month at 3 p.m. Click HERE for more information and the full list of activities.
Priest (Eucharist) dates:
May 18, 2025
See the full story by clicking HERE.
IMAGE: Kadence Wiglesworth
— Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
IMAGE: Everett Collection, via Shutterstock
This coming Sunday is the Second Sunday in Lent, Year C, in the Liturgical Calendar.
This Sunday’s gospel reading is from the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus laments: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!”
To be a lector, lead morning prayer or contribute to the morning service, click HER
This coming Sunday is the Second Sunday in Lent, Year C, in the Liturgical Calendar.
This Sunday’s gospel reading is from the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus laments: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!”
To be a lector, lead morning prayer or contribute to the morning service, click HERE and sign up. See the vestment colors, the altar colors, the Bible readings and the liturgical calendar by clicking HERE and selecting the date. Note that a date’s numeral color is the vestment and altar color for that day.
IMAGE & CREDIT: northern-light via iStock.
The Rev. Deacon Emily Cardwell was ordained on Sept. 22, 2018, after completing her education at The Diocese of Southern Ohio, School for The Diaconate.
She feels lucky to have trained and served at several churches within our diocese including The Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington; St. Michael the Archangel, Lexington; and most r
The Rev. Deacon Emily Cardwell was ordained on Sept. 22, 2018, after completing her education at The Diocese of Southern Ohio, School for The Diaconate.
She feels lucky to have trained and served at several churches within our diocese including The Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington; St. Michael the Archangel, Lexington; and most recently at St. John’s, Versailles.
Emily is a former Roman Catholic who found exactly what she was looking for in her pursuit and understanding of God within The Episcopal Church. The teachings of The Episcopal Church resound deeply with what she knows and understands of God, Jesus and The Spirit. The message of all-inclusive love, the rootedness in Scripture, the desire to strive to live out Jesus’ teachings, and participation in the sacramental worship and traditions, all serve to anchor her happily and firmly within this Christian tradition.
Emily’s passions are helping people grasp God’s love, both individually and collectively and how to live out that knowledge in the world. She is confident that Jesus truly is “The Way, The Truth and The Life,” and that we have such hope and freedom with that knowledge.
Emily has been involved with prison ministry, providing a listening ministry for individuals as well as teaching spirituality classes for The Hope Center Recovery program within the Fayette County Detention Center prior to COVID issues. Emily has taught classes, preached, led Quiet Days, assisted with worship and provided pastoral care among other things.
Emily loves to see people grow in their relationship with God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit and believes that we should never stop learning and seeking to deepen our faith. She is very excited to serve alongside the people of The Church of the Advent and will be specifically focusing on empowering the laity and strengthening engagement with the wider community. Research shows that a church is at its best when its vision includes the needs and interests of the local community.
Emily has been married to her amazing and supportive husband Jeff for 27 years this June. They live in Versailles and have three wonderful children: Leah (22), Quinn (20) and Willa (17). Emily loves reading, gardening, spending time with family, fixing, building, making things for the home, the outdoors, and her pets — of which there are several: 2 dogs, Caspian and Alistair, 1 cat, Adder, 2 turtles, Ivy and Scarlett, and 2 ferrets (Willa’s girls), Freya and Gypsum.
The Church the Advent has embarked on a unique worship format with recorded audio-visual sermons from around the world, and then a group discussion afterward.
This has proven to be a popular format and we invite you to attend.
While our liturgical structure is to monthly have a visiting priest to celebrate Eucharist (communion), on the ot
The Church the Advent has embarked on a unique worship format with recorded audio-visual sermons from around the world, and then a group discussion afterward.
This has proven to be a popular format and we invite you to attend.
While our liturgical structure is to monthly have a visiting priest to celebrate Eucharist (communion), on the other Sundays we listen openly to sermons from other Episcopal churches and other Christian faith communities. The videos are well done and engaging, as is the group discussion afterward.
We couple this approach with something we call Morning Prayer. This is essentially reading the biblical texts that are assigned for a given day, within our denomination’s daily worship service — which itself is full of scriptural texts, so they are both educational and inspiring.
We invite you to come step through our door and give it a try. To top it off, we have coffee hour every Sunday after church in the building behind the main church building.
Follow us to watch our regular livestreams.
Bishop Mark Van Koevering: “Together, we can make this vision a living vision that is shared by all. As promised at Special Convention 2019, a Vision Study Guide has been produced to: 1) Enhance our mutual understanding of our common vision; 2) Enable each faith community to put the vision into context locally; and 3) Strengthen our unity as a Church.” Download the guide by clicking HERE.
The Episcopal Church is the United States-based member church of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We comprise 109 dioceses and regional areas in 17 nations. In 2015 we had 1.9 million members, being a part of the Anglican Communion of 85 million followers. The Church of the Advent is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. To receive the Diocese’s newsletter, click HERE and stay on the left side of the page.
Our church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ, yet also those who are exploring their faith or who are asking serious questions about faith in general. You will be welcomed at The Church of the Advent regardless of any religious or personal status. For more information on what we believe, visit For a video tour (with annotated explanations) of a sample weekly Sunday service, click HERE.
Our mission is to: 1) Restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ; 2) Have a liberating and life-giving relationship with God, each other and the Earth; 3) Love God with our whole heart, mind and soul, and love our neighbors as ourselves; and 4) Focus on the three priorities of evangelism, reconciliation and creation.
We have leased space to Community Action Council to provide a daycare. Contact Melissa at (859) 233-4600 x 1208, or see their website by clicking HERE.
Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, recently generated new interest in the Episcopal Church at the Royal Wedding. See the story HERE. See Bishop Curry’s sermon HERE. See the “Saturday Night Live” spoof of Curry by clicking HERE. Photo Credit: AdrianHancu
Our hymnal is online, too. The 1982 version can be found by clicking HERE. It’s a beautifully organized site. IMAGE: DanHenson1 via iStock.
We love newcomers, so feel free to visit us.
118 N. Walnut St, Cynthiana, KY 41031-1224, USA; P.O. Box 308, Cynthiana, KY 41031-0308, USA
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Click HERE for our donation link, and remember to choose “Advent, Cynthiana” from the pull-down list that says “Select a fund.” You can set up donations either one-time or recurring. Your contribution will be processed through the Diocese of Lexington’s payment system with ACS Technologies, Inc. on a secure platform.
Copyright © 2019 The Parish of the Church of the Advent, Episcopal; Cynthiana, Kentucky, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved. Contact for site errors.
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